Namerikawa Lab.


滑川研究室は、慶應義塾大学の矢上キャンパス(東急東横線 日吉駅下車 徒歩15分)にあります。

住所 :〒223-8522 横浜市港北区日吉3-14-1
内線 :43051


Namerikawa laboratory is located at the Yagami Campus of Keio University (15 minutes on foot from Hiyoshi Station on Tokyu Toyoko Line).

※ For access to the Yagami campus is here.

■Namerikawa lab.
Address: 3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522
Teacher’s room: 24th Building 413B
Student’s room: 24th Building 415 and 417
Laboratory room: 24th Building 208